Friday, August 26, 2011

Chemicals, Chemicals, Chemicals...........

Argghhh......toxic chemicals. They have made it into our toothpaste, our moisturizers and our make-up. We are ingesting and applying these things to our skin, the second most absorbent surface in our bodies!! Fluoride is a dangerous industrial by product and can result in skeletal fluoridosis, ADHD and learning name just a few. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate causes things to foam, but is also very toxic. Carmine is in our lipstick and chap sticks and is literally "beetle juice". There is guanine in our mascara!! Guanine can be found in seabird guano as well as bat guano. Yuck! Now that gives me the creeps. I feel like I've walked into a horror movie in my bathroom. What to do?

Shouldn't we look for better alternatives if we are concerned about our health? What if they saved us money too?  That would be a plus!

Well, I am trying to do just that. I stumbled upon these recipes and thought you might like to try them too.

Homemade Toothpaste Recipe

1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup vegetable glycerin
1 Tbsp castile liquid soap
A few drops peppermint, anise, wintergreen essential oil, optional
dash of stevia or  xylitol

Mix well! (make sure your essential oils are the kind that are safe to ingest)

Natural Homemade Mascara

  • 1/8 tsp. Activated Charcoal (about 1/2 capsule)
  • 1/8 tsp. Aloe Vera Gel
Mix together aloe and charcoal. Then, dip in a clean mascara brush wand, pressing it against the inside of the bowl to coat it evenly onto the wand, smoothing out any clumps. Apply to eyelashes as usual. Wait a few seconds before blinking, to let the mascara dry, so that it doesn’t get on your cheeks

And this moisturizer from my sister in law:

Grammy's Body Buddy Balm
Approximately 1 part of each
Coconut oil
Shea butter
grape seed oil

Gently warm them in a double boiler just until like the beeswax is melted. Cool and put in container.

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